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BNI 會員開心指數
BNI 會員開心指數
資深營養師 Nelson Lin
BNI 會員開心指數
無論工作, 家庭甚至在BNI生活裡, 我們都需要一顆喜樂的心.
因此我們好希望能了解你成為BNI會員之後, 你到底有多開心
1. 分會名稱 Chapter Name
2. 您成為 BNI 會員多久?
How long have you been a BNI Member?
少於 6 個月 / Less than 6 months
6個月至12個月 / 6 months to 12 months
1年至2年 / 1 year to 2 years
超過 2年 / More than 2 years
超過 10年 / More than 10 years
3. 您是否或曾經加入過領導團隊或領導團隊小組
Are you or have you ever been in the Leadership Team or Support
是 Yes
否 No
4. 當您第一次到訪分會時,您對分會留下了什麼印象? (可選擇多於 1 個答案)
When you first visited the chapter, what impressed you? (You may choose more than 1 answer)
被細心接待 / How you were hosted
整個會議表現專業 / The meeting was run professionally
高能量會議 / The energy in the room
有商機 / Business potential
會員間的引薦及生意 / The referrals and business done by Members
會員的自我介紹 / The presentation of members
分會人數 / Size of the chapter
5. 現時分會情況與你剛加入時相比
Please rate yourself now compared to when you first joined and started in BNI
a. 我清晰而有信心地談論我的業務
I speak clearly and confidently about my business
無分別 No difference
有少許進步 Some Improvement
非常同意 Excellent
b. 我更了解其他會友業務
I know more about other businesses
無分別 No difference
有少許進步 Some Improvement
非常同意 Excellent
c. 我感覺能更好地與本地企業老闆聯繫
I feel better connected with local business owners
無分別 No difference
有少許進步 Some Improvement
非常同意 Excellent
d. 我可以接收更多幫助我業務的建議
I can easily gain advice for my business
無分別 No difference
有少許進步 Some Improvement
非常同意 Excellent
e. 我很樂意在社會上與其他人多交談
I am comfortable talking to other people at networking functions
無分別 No difference
有少許進步 Some Improvement
非常同意 Excellent
f. 我覺得多了一群人幫助我的事業
I feel I have a team of people helping me in my business
無分別 No difference
有少許進步 Some Improvement
非常同意 Excellent
g. 我有更多資源與我的朋友分享
I have additional resources to share with my friends
無分別 No difference
有少許進步 Some Improvement
非常同意 Excellent
h. 我有深厚的友誼
I have strong friendship
無分別 No difference
有少許進步 Some Improvement
非常同意 Excellent
i. 我有很強的領導能力
I have strong leadership skills
無分別 No difference
有少許進步 Some Improvement
非常同意 Excellent
j. 我有很強的演講技巧
I have strong presentation skills
無分別 No difference
有少許進步 Some Improvement
非常同意 Excellent
k. 我收到更多業務引薦的機會
I have higher quantity of referrals coming to my business
無分別 No difference
有少許進步 Some Improvement
非常同意 Excellent
l. 我收到更優質的引薦
I have better quality referrals coming to my business
無分別 No difference
有少許進步 Some Improvement
非常同意 Excellent
m. 我的引薦轉化率更高
I have a higher conversion rate for referrals
無分別 No difference
有少許進步 Some Improvement
非常同意 Excellent
n. 我有更多高質素的客戶
I have a higher average value customers/clients
無分別 No difference
有少許進步 Some Improvement
非常同意 Excellent
o. 我可以尋找更多精準的新客戶
I am able to ask specifically for the new type of contacts/clients I want
無分別 No difference
有少許進步 Some Improvement
非常同意 Excellent
p. 我喜歡幫助他人在商業上取得成功
I enjoy helping others succeed in business
無分別 No difference
有少許進步 Some Improvement
非常同意 Excellent
q. 我的整體業務收入提高
My overall business revenue is higher
無分別 No difference
有少許進步 Some Improvement
非常同意 Excellent
r. 我與其他企業老闆們有更好的溝通
I have better communication skills with other business owners
無分別 No difference
有少許進步 Some Improvement
非常同意 Excellent
6. 您對成為 BNI 會員感到滿意嗎?
Are you happy with you BNI membership?
Yes 是的
Somewhat happy 有點開心
Not happy不開心
7. 如果您的會員資格現在到期,您會續會嗎?
If your membership is due now, will you renew?
Yes 會
Maybe 可能
No 不會
如果您的回答是” 不會”或”可能”,能否告訴我們原因:
If your answer is “No” or “maybe”, please let us know why:
8. BNI 還能為您做什麼?
What more can BNI do for you?
9. 你還能為自己做些什麼?
What more can you do for yourself?
10. 其他反饋(請註明)
Other feedback (please specify)
你的名字 Your Name:
填寫日期 Date today
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